The extinct Moa. One of nine species of flightless birds native to New Zealand.
On March 16th, 2016 Scientists have discovered a way to bring back this majestic creature after boredom caused them to marathon the Jurassic Park movies. (Although they are still in agreement the first one was the best.)
Everything seemed normal at first, as normal as bringing back an extinct species can be considered. Except for one thing. Slowly, over time the Moa started to change. Scientists could only speculate as to what caused the genes to start mutating, (although they have pretty much narrowed it down to Bob microwaving Hot Pockets during the experiment.)
In order to document this incredible change, sketch artists have been brought in. Hopefully, by studying these drawing we will be able to find some answers.
What new fantastic creature will the Moa morph into?
Will we survive to see it? and
Why was there a microwave in the Laboratory????
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